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Gestart door Rudolfus, juli 05, 2020, 11:56:21 AM

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BrewfermBlancheBovengist18-24°C5-8gr /10 liter
LagerOndergist12-15°C3-6gr/10 Liter
TopBovengist18-25°C6gr/10 Liter
Bulldog BrewsB1 Universal AleBovengist18-23°C10gr/20-25L
B4 English AleBovengist16-21°C10gr/20-25L
B5 American WestBovengist16-21°C10gr/20-25L
B16 Belgian SaisonBovengist18-30°C10gr/20-25L
B19 Belgian TrapixBovengist18-25°C10gr/20-25L
B23 Steam LagerOndergist13-20°C10gr/20-25L
B34 German LagerOndergist9-14/C10gr/20-25L
B38 Amber LagerOndergist9-14°C10gr/20-25L
B44 European AleBovengist15-21°C10gr/20-25L
B49 Bavarian WheatBovengist18-25°C10gr/20-25L
In 3 weken bier brouwen is als een one night stand. Voorbij voor het interessant wordt.
Zuur bier brouwen is als een echte relatie, het wordt beter met de tijd.


CrossmyloofBelgian Ale YeastBovengist15-28°C
Californian Common YeastOndergist17-22°C
Kölsch YeastOndergist17-22°C
Us Pale Ale YeastBovengist18-25°C
Real Ale YeastBovengist18-25°C
FermentisSafAle S-33Bovengist15-24°C11,5gr/20-30 Liter
SafAle T-58Bovengist15-20°C11,5gr/20-30 Liter
SafAle S-04Bovengist18-24°C5-8gr/10 Liter
SafAle US-05 (56)15-24°C5-8gr/10 Liter
SafAle WB-06Bovengist15-24°C5-8gr/10 Liter
SafAle W-34/70Bovengist10-14°C8-12gr/10 Liter
SafAle K-97Bovengist15-20°C (12-25°C)5-8gr/10 Liter
SafAle BE-13418-28°C11,5gr/20-30 Liter
SafLager S-23Ondergist9-15°C8-12gr/10 Liter
SafLager S-189Ondergist12-15°c  (9-22°C)Temp. Afhankelijk
SafAle F-2nvt
SafAle B-256Bovengist15-25°C11,5gr/20-30 Liter
AbbayeBovengist12-25°C11,5gr/20-30 Liter
Giga yeastGY00118-25°C
GY031 18-24°C
GozdawaGerman Lager W35 Ondergist12-22°C
Czech Pilsner 18 Ondergist9-20°C
Pure Ale 7 Bovengist16-32°C (<20° neutr.)
Old German Altbier 9 Bovengist12-25°C
U.S. West Coast Bovengist14-24°C
Bavarian Wheat 11 Bovengist20-32°C (>24° banaan)
Fruit Blanche G1 Bovengist20-32°C 
Classic Belgian Witbier Bovengist16-25°C
Belgian Fruit & Spicy Ale Bovengist18-30°C
Porter & Kvass Bovengist16-32°C
In 3 weken bier brouwen is als een one night stand. Voorbij voor het interessant wordt.
Zuur bier brouwen is als een echte relatie, het wordt beter met de tijd.


Imperial    ALESA01 HouseBovengist16-21°C
A04 BarbarianBovengist16-21°C
A07 FlagshipBovengist16-22°C
A09 PubBovengist18-21°C
A10 DarknessBovengist17-22°C
A15 IndependenceBovengist16-22°C
A18 JoystickBovengist16-21°C
A20 CitrusBovengist19-27°C
A24 Dry HopBovengist18-23°C
A31 TartanBovengist18-21°C
A38 JuiceBovengist18-21°C
German ALESG01 StefonBovengist17-23°C
G02 KaiserBovengist13-18°C
Wild & SoursF08 Sour Batch KidzBovengist20-24°C
W15 Suburban BrettHergister18-23°C
SeasonalsA43 Loki16-37°C
Belgian ALESB44 WhiteoutBovengist17-22°C
B45 GnomeBovengist18-24°C
B48 Triple DoubleBovengist18-25°C 
B51 WorkhorseBovengist18-25°C
B56 RusticBovengist20-27°C
B63 MonasticBovengist20-26°C
B64 NapoleonBovengist18-26°C
LagersL05 CablecarOndergist13-18°c
L13 GlobalOndergist8-13°C
L17 HarvestOndergist10-16°C
L28 UrkelOndergist11-14°C
LallemandDiamond LagerOndergist10-15°C5-8gr/10 Liter
Munich ClassicBovengist17-22°C11,5gr/20-30 Liter
London ESBOndergist18-22°C11,5gr/20-30 Liter
AbbayeBovengist17-23°C1gr/10 Liter
BRY-97Bovengist17-23°C11gr/10-15 Liter
Windsor aleBovengisttot 7%15-22°C11gr/10-15 Liter
Munich ClassicBovengist17-22°C11gr/10-20 Liter
Belle SaisonBovengist15-35°C1gr/10 Liter
CBC-1nvt1gr/10 Liter
Notingham AleBovengist10-22°C1gr/10 Liter
Mangrove JacksM15- Empire AleBovengist18-22°C1-2gr/10 Liter
M20 Bavarian Wheat YeastBovengist18-30°C1-2gr/10 Liter
M21 Belgian WiteBovengist18-25°C1-2gr/10 Liter
M29 French SaisonBovengist26-32°C1-2gr/10 Liter
M31 Belgian TripelBovengist18-28°C1-2gr/10 Liter
M36 Liberty Bell AleBovengist18-23°C1-2gr/10 Liter
M41 Belgian AleBovengist18-28°C1-2gr/10 Liter
M42 New World Strong AleBovengist16-22°C1-2gr/10 Liter
M44 US West CoastBovengist18-23°C1-2gr/10 Liter
M47 Belgian AbbeyBovengist18-25°C1-2gr/10 Liter
M54 Californian LagerOndergist18-20°C2-3gr/10 Liter
M76 Bavarian LagerOndergist8-14°C2-3gr/10 Liter
M84 Bohemian Lager YOndergist10-15°C2-3gr/10 Liter
In 3 weken bier brouwen is als een one night stand. Voorbij voor het interessant wordt.
Zuur bier brouwen is als een echte relatie, het wordt beter met de tijd.


MauribrewAle 514Bovengist22°C1gr/10 Liter
DraughtBovengist13-23°C1,5gr/10 Liter
Lager 479Ondergist10-15°C2gr/10 Liter
WeissBovengist15-30°C1gr/10 Liter
Omega Yeast                       AlesOYL-05211%18-22°CVloeibaar
British AlesOYL-00610%18-22°CVloeibaar
Belgian AlesOYL-02412%18-26°CVloeibaar
Norwegian AlesOYL-05711%17-37°CVloeibaar
Bretts and BlendsOYL-21710%20-27°CVloeibaar
Bacterial culturesOYL-605Bacteria20-35°CVloeibaar
In 3 weken bier brouwen is als een one night stand. Voorbij voor het interessant wordt.
Zuur bier brouwen is als een echte relatie, het wordt beter met de tijd.


Weihestephan   PilsW105Ondergist8-14°C
W111 8-14°C
W159 8-14°C
W164 10-14°C
W168 10-16°C
W69 9-14°C
W138Bovengist15-21°C Alt 18-21°C Ale
W148Bovengist15-21°C Alt 18-21°C Ale
WDB 24Nagist Lambic21-30°C
WSL 17lage gisting13-16°C
Saccharomycodes ludwigii
In 3 weken bier brouwen is als een one night stand. Voorbij voor het interessant wordt.
Zuur bier brouwen is als een echte relatie, het wordt beter met de tijd.


White Labs   WLP001 California AleBovengist20-23°C
(vloeibaar)WLP002 English AleBovengist18-20°C
 WLP003 German Ale IIBovengist18-21°C
WLP004 Irish AleBovengist18-20°C
WLP005 British AleBovengist18-21°C
WLP007 Dry English AleBovengist18-21°C
WLP008 East Coast AleBovengist20-23°C
WLP011 European AleBovengist18-21°C
WLP013 London AleBovengist19-22°C
WLP023 Burton AleBovengist20-23°C
WLP028 Edinburgh AleBovengist18-21°C
WLP029 German Ale/KolschBovengist18-21°C
WLP036 Dusseldorf AltBovengist18-21°C
WLP041 Pacific AleBovengist18-20°C
WLP051 California Ale VBovengist19-21°C
WLP060 American Ale BlendBovengist20-22°C
WLP080 Cream Ale BlendBovengist18-21°C
WLP090 San Diego SuperBovengist18-20°C
WLP095 Burlington AleBovengist19-21°C
WLP099 Super High Gravity AleBovengist18-21°C
WLP300 Hefeweizen AleBovengist20-22°C
WLP320 American Hefeweizen ABovengist18-21°C
WLP351 Bavarian Weizen AleBovengist19-21°C
WLP380 Hefeweizen Ale VIBovengist19-21°C
WLP400 Belgian Wit AleBovengist19-23°C
WLP500 Trappist AleBovengist18-22°C
WLP530 Abbey AleBovengist19-22°C
WLP545 Belgian Strong AleBovengist19-22°C
WLP550 Belgian AleBovengist20-26°C
WLP565 Belgian Saison AleBovengist20-24°C
WLP566 Saison II AleBovengist20-26°C
WLP568 Saison Ale BlendBovengist21-27°C
WLP570 Belgian Golden AleBovengist20-24°C
WLP575 Belgian Ale BlendBovengist20-24°C
WLP590 French Saison AleBovengist20-24°C
WLP644 Brettanomyces
Bruxellencis troisLambic gist21-30°C
WLP 645 Brett. ClausseniiLambic gist21-30°C
WLP650 Brett. BruxellensisLambic gist21-30°C
WLP653 Brett. LambicusLambic gist21-30°C
WLP655 Belgian Sour Mix 1Lambic gist21-30°C
WLP665 Flemish Ale BlendLambic gist20-26°C
WLP672 Lactobacillus BrevisLambic gistVoor zuring
WLP677 Lactobacillus DelbrueckiLambic gistVoor zuring
WLP800 Pilsner LagerOndergist10-13°C
WLP802 Czech Budejovice LagerOndergist10-13°C
WLP810 San Francisco LagerOndergist14-18°C
WLP815 Danish LagerOndergist10-13°C
WLP820 Oktoberfest LagerOndergist11-14°C
WLP830 German LagerOndergist10-13°C
WLP833 German Bock LagerOndergist9-13°C
WLP828 Southern German LagerOndergist10-13°C
WLP840 American LagerOndergist10-13°C
WLP850 Copenhagen LagerOndergist10-14°C
WLP862 Cry HavocOndergist20-23°C
WLP940 Mexican LagerOndergist10-13°C
WYEAST1007 German AleHybridegist13-20°C
(vloeibaar)1010 American WheatBovengist14-23°C
1028 London AleBovengist15-22°C
1056 American AleBovengist15-22°C
1084 Irish AleBovengist16-22°C
1098 British AleBovengist18-22°C
1099 Whitbread AleBovengist18-24°C
1187 Ringwood AleBovengist18-23°C
1214 Belgian AbbeyBovengist20-24°C
1272 American Ale IIBovengist15-22°C
1275 Thames ValleyBovengist16-22°C
1318 London Ale IIIBovengist18-23°C
1332 Northwest AleBovengist18-24°C
1335 British Ale IIBovengist17-24°C
1388 Belgian Strong AleBovengist18-27°C
1469 West Yorkshire AleBovengist18-22°C
1728 Scottish AleBovengist13-24°C
1762 Belg Abbey-2Bovengist18-24°C
1968 London ESB AleBovengist18-22°C
2000 Budvar LagerOndergist9-13°C
2001 Urquell LagerOndergist9-13°C
2007 Pilsener LagerOndergist9-13°C
2042 Danish LagerOndergist8-13°C
2112 California LagerOndergist14-20°C
2124 Bohemian LagerOndergist8-22°C
2206 Bavarian LagerOndergist8-14°C
2278 Czech PilsOndergist10-14°C
2308 Munich LagerOndergist9-13°C
2565 KolschHybride gist13-21°C
3056 Bavarian Wheat BlendBovengist18-23°C
3068 Weihenst WheatBovengist18-24°C
3278 Belg LambicLambic gist17-24°C
3333German WheatBovengist17-24°C
3463 Forbidden FruitBovengist17-24°C
3522 Belgian ArdennesBovengist18-24°C
3638 Bavarian WheatBovengist18-24°C
3711 French SaisonBovengist18-25°C
3724 Belgian Saison AleBovengist21-35°C
3763 Roeselaere Ale BlendLambic gist18-30°C
3787 Trap High GravityBovengist18-25°C
3942 Belgian WheatBovengist18-23°C
3944 Belgian WitbierBovengist16-24°C
5112 Brett. Bruxel.Lambic gist15-24°C
5335 LactobacillusLambic gistMelkzuur
5733 PediococcusLambic gistMelkzuur
In 3 weken bier brouwen is als een one night stand. Voorbij voor het interessant wordt.
Zuur bier brouwen is als een echte relatie, het wordt beter met de tijd.


DIY E-Liquid: Creating Your Own Tastes
Cut costs and tailor your vape with custom e-juice. Understand how to make your own tastes at home. Homemade vape juice delivers a budget-friendly way to experience e-cigarettes while testing with various flavor profiles. To commence, you’ll have to have some essential components: propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin liquid, flavor extracts, and nicotine liquid (if needed). Commence by mixing your base liquids, PG and VG, in your chosen ratio. A frequent starting point is 50/50, but you can adjust this based on your likes. Add the flavor extracts, beginning with a minimal quantity and adding more to taste. If you’re utilizing nic, add it to conclude, gently calculating the wanted strength. Blend the solution thoroughly and let it settle for a few days to permit the flavors to develop. Store your DIY e-liquid in a chilly, dim place to preserve its superiority. By creating your own e-juice, you can enjoy one-of-a-kind flavors that exactly suit your tastes and cut costs in the endeavor.
Dry Herb Vaporizer Flowermate Aura Kit
Transitioning from Pod Setups to Box Mods 42d828b


Common Vape Missteps and Avoiding Them
Even experienced e-cigarette users commit mistakes. Understand about frequent issues and how to avoid them. One frequent mistake is not prepping the filament before use, which can result in scorched hits and scorched flavor. To avoid this, always wet the filament with e-liquid and let it rest for a few moments before vaping. Another common misstep is using the wrong output for your coil, which can shorten filament duration or cause poor performance. Always inspect the recommended power range for your filament and begin at the minimum, steadily increasing if necessary. Overfilling the chamber can also result in drips and flooding, so be sure to keep some space for breathing. Additionally, forgetting frequent washing and care can cause residue and diminished taste. Finally, utilizing inferior batteries or neglecting power cell safety can cause significant hazards. By watching out for these mistakes, you can confirm a more enjoyable and more enjoyable vaping adventure.
Kamry E Pipe K1000 Plus Wooden Vape Pen Vaping Device
Best E-cig Trends to Watch in 2024 42d828b


Best Vapor Tanks for Huge Plumes
If you're all about those enormous vapor clouds, check out our list of best vapor tanks that will enable you produce the most massive and most impressive clouds out there. Cloud chasing is all about enhancing vapor output, and having the appropriate reservoir is key. Sub-ohm reservoirs are specifically popular among vapor enthusiasts because they utilize low ohm filaments to generate huge volumes of mist. Some of the best chambers for this aim include the SMOK TFV12 Cloud Beast King Tank, which offers a large chamber and several filament selections, and the Uwell Valyrian Tank, known for its remarkable air passage and aerosol creation. Moreover, the Freemax Mesh Pro Tank employs mesh filaments to boost both taste and cloud output. When selecting a tank, think about factors such as airflow control, coil compatibility, and vape juice volume to ensure it fulfills your vapor chasing needs. With the right configuration, you can experience thick vapor clouds that elevate your vaping adventure.
Innokin Scion Series Sub-ohm Tank 3.5ml
Gains of Using a Dual Coil Atomizer 42d828b


Choosing Between Low-Resistance Tanks: What You Have to Understand
With so many sub-ohm tanks out there, it’s hard to select the correct one. We compare some of the top to aid you identify your optimal choice. Sub-ohm reservoirs are designed for direct-to-lung vape and use sub-ohm filaments to create massive clouds and intense flavor. Popular selections include the SMOK TFV8 Baby Beast, famous for its tiny size and high-performance capabilities, and the Aspire Cleito Tank, which boasts a unique filament layout that boosts ventilation and mist output. The Horizon Falcon is another excellent choice, delivering creative mesh coils and durable capabilities. When selecting a sub-ohm tank, take into account factors such as filament compatibility, vape juice volume, and upkeep. Some reservoirs also deliver modifiable air passage, allowing you to customize your e-cig journey. By comparing different types and their features, you can find a sub-ohm tank that satisfies your needs and enhances your e-cig journey.
Joyetech EVic Primo Mini Series Kit 80-watt 4 ml Reservoir
Choosing the Correct Nicotine Strength for Your Electronic Cigarette 42d828b


Maintaining Your Vape Mod
Routine upkeep is key to guaranteeing your vaping device functions correctly and lasts durable. Here are some straightforward tips for caring for your device in excellent condition. First, wash your tool frequently to eliminate any gunk that can influence output. Utilize a gentle rag or Q-tip to wipe down the exterior and delicately wash the connection points. Check the accumulator contacts for any evidence of corrosion and replace the batteries if needed. Store your gadget in a low-temperature, moisture-free place to stop any damage from moisture or overheating. If your mod has a removable accumulator, ensure it is securely installed and the battery door is fastened. Regularly update the operating system of your gadget to confirm it is running on the most recent version. By following these upkeep guidelines, you can confirm your vape mod continues in excellent shape and offers a reliable and enjoyable vaping experience.
Eleaf iStick Pico Series Starter Set 75W 2 ml Container
Leading Vape Tanks for Nicotine Salt E Liquids 42d828b


High Wattage Devices: Maximizing Your Vape Limits
For those who prefer their vape strong, we’ve got the top high wattage devices on the available. High wattage mods are designed for vape enthusiasts who desire intense mist output and powerful flavor. These devices can offer up to 300 watts of power, enabling for highest customization and capabilities. The Wismec RX300, for instance, is preferred for its quad-battery setup and advanced features. The SMOK G-Priv 3 is known for its digital display and versatile options, rendering it ideal for vapers who want full control. Another top option is the GeekVape X Device, which offers a long-lasting build and waterproof capabilities, turning it suitable for open-air operation. High wattage mods frequently come with thermal management, adjustable configurations, and safeguards to guarantee a safe and gratifying vaping experience. By maximizing your e-cig to the max, you can enjoy heavier clouds and richer flavors that enhance your vaping adventure.
Eleaf ICare 140 Series Vape Kit 650mAh Power 2ml
Choosing the Correct Nicotine Concentration for Your Vape 42d828b


Why You Should Upgrade a Temperature Control Gadget
Heat regulation gadgets offer a steadier and personalizable vaping experience. Learn why considering a heat regulation gadget can improve your vaping configuration. Temperature control gadgets enable you to choose a precise thermal point for your heating element, stopping scorched tastes and prolonging the duration of your filament. This function is especially helpful for thermal-sensitive substances like nickel wire and Ti. Furthermore, heat regulation can aid you achieve a more consistent vapor and flavor creation, despite your vape preference. Many top TC mods feature the Vaporesso Luxe Device, known for its advanced features and sleek design, and the GeekVape Aegis Mod, renowned for its sturdiness and waterproof capabilities. By upgrading a heat regulation mod, you can experience a tailored and steady vaping adventure, enhancing both taste and mist output.
Eleaf iKonn 220 Series Package 4 ml Reservoir
Top Vape Mods for High VG E Liquids 42d828b


Picking the Ideal Vape Atomizer for Your Vaporizer
Finding it difficult to find the perfect atomizer? We break down several types and help you choose which one fits your e-cigarette preference best. Atomizers come in various forms, each offering special advantages. Customizable atomizers (RBAs) are popular among experienced e-cigarette users because they enable personalized filament setups and wick placements. Within this group, you’ll find dripping atomizers (RDAs) and rebuildable tank atomizers (RTAs). RDAs provide intense scent and vapor but necessitate constant refilling of e-juice, while RTAs provide the ease of a chamber for extended vaping times. For those who like straightforwardness, ready-made coil tanks like sub-ohm tanks are a great selection. These reservoirs use disposable filament heads and are simple to keep. In conclusion, pod systems are perfect for beginners or those looking for portability. When selecting an vape atomizer, think about your skill level, preferred care, and vaping likes. By understanding the variations between vape atomizer categories, you can find the one that exactly fits your requirements.
E-XY Magic Stick Series CW Tool Model Coil Vaping Package
Manual to Using a Squonk Mod 42d828b


Choosing the Best E-Juice for Your E-Cig Atomizer
Not all vape juices are produced equal. Here’s how to pick the right one for your vape atomizer to get the best experience. The first thing to take into account is the VG/PG ratio. High VG e-liquids produce more vapor and are perfect for low-resistance tanks, while more PG e-liquids provide a greater hit and are better for MTL tanks. Next, think about nicotine strength. If you're a ex-smoker, you might prefer higher nic concentrations, while experienced vape enthusiasts often choose decreased levels. Taste is also essential; try with different flavors to find what you prefer most. Some atomizers function better with particular vape juice types, so inspect compatibility recommendations from the producer. Additionally, high-quality vape juices often use higher quality materials, leading to superior scent and mist output. By thinking about these aspects, you can find the ideal vape juice to fit your atomizer and improve your vaping experience.
SMOK TFV12 Series Beast Tank 6ml Capacity
Top 10 Electronic Cigarette Mods for Skilled Smokers 42d828b